Get your signed book from the shop instead of perusing the author's bookstore. Bookstore links send customers to retailers outside of the local community, whereas buying autographs retains your reach to shopping local.

Why support local? Your proceeds go directly to the author instead of going towards big box stores. As a self-published author, Kathleen invests her own money into having each book published and made available to retailers.
Through the publishing company, Kathleen can order copies of her books directly from the publisher, another small business similar to her own freelance operations. Thus, you receive your book directly from the source of the author's hands via her own publishing company presses.
By shopping with outsourced retailers, you are giving earnings towards these large corporations which are likely already profiting well without your support. That means taking away from the writer's own earnings. As the author does most of the work, they should receive top dollar for their books.
This means you can feel better about where your donations are going by supporting the author directly by getting a signed copy from her shop. Not only that, but you also receive the bonus of a note from the poet herself. The authenticity of a note from the writer makes the book more magical than reading its mere reprinted story.

Kathleen's first three poetry books published in the Spring of 2020 all at the same time.
Kathleen is the author and poet of 6 books in total, with 5 currently available for sale in her shop with a signature included. These titles are:
A Baker's Dozen
Faith in Adultery
Love, Life, Loss, and Longing
Poems from Quarantine
The Great Big Book of Haiku
Thank you for taking a moment to read about this piece of information and happy shopping!